White Papers
T3 | Nash Equilibrium for Leaders
This short article proposes making the business value of the Nash Equilibrium more available to business leaders and to offer a mental map for its application in strategy development, business performance and measurement. Nash’s approach proves that a strategy exists that is good for you, good for your competing and cooperating stakeholders, and is so sturdy that full transparency will not diminish its payoff outcome. In other words, there is an ‘equilibrium’ strategy in a stable, productive, organic balance with the other business forces (Porter, et al). Although there are no really ugly formulas or indecipherable mathematics ahead, there are some very cool graphs and ideas.
T3 | DoD Installation Energy Self-reliance, a Matter of National Security
The repurposing of existing Naval nuclear power generators as installation electrical power sources has the potential to accelerate DoD’s energy independence, reduce installation carbon footprint, and improve installation energy economics. In an era of mounting constraints and increased vulnerability, a business transformation initiative to make the DoD 100% self-sufficient in electrical generation beginning operation by FY2012 is critical to the nation’s security. Investment to evaluate the approach is a low risk with very high payoff potential.